When you need help to put an application together.

This option is for you if you are keen to have a go at writing your own grant applications. It can be a lonely task, so here are some resources to help you.
This section covers:
- Before you start
- Building a business case
- Tools and resources (including our DIY Grant Writing Planning Toolkit)
Teach yourself grant writing manual
Your definitive guide to navigating the grants system, incorporating:
- Dispelling the myths about grants
- Determining what the funder really wants from you
- Understanding the requirements for funding
- Making best use of available funder information resources
- Nailing the criteria
- Getting the numbers right
- The application and post-application process

Before you start
Before you start to write your application, watch 7 grant writing tips to improve your chances of getting that grant funded. You will learn the seven underpinning components of funding applications that you will need to master to consistently improve your chances of grant-winning success.
Start With a Business Case
Great ideas need to be captured before they disappear into the ether. The world’s graveyards are full of ideas never materialised. This includes ideas that could have worked with some funding. Even before the right grant comes along, it’s worth while putting together a business case.
Project Planning App
We developed a business case template that is freely accessible on the App stores as well as through this website. You can build your plan, save, print and share – even put it in your desk drawer, ready for the right opportunity.

Project Planning APP – Available Now
The Project Planning App is a FREE app to:
- plan projects on the go
- get your ideas out of your head and onto paper
- create a basic business case for anything
- get ready for a grant
Alternatively watch this video:
Watch this 19 minute video and download the WWWWWH
document to get your idea from your head to a written format.
Tools and Resources
Below are tools resources to guide you through the process of putting together a grant application.
Nine tips to get your project funded
Are you looking for money to take your projects to the next level?
Or seeking help to make capital improvements to your community centre or sports facility? If you’re looking for a few hundred dollars or $1,000,000+, here are 9 tips to consider when writing a grant application.
DIY Grant Writing Planning Toolkit

Grant Writing Ecosystem

The Grant Writing Planning Toolkit is your system blueprint to guide you through what you should know and do to prepare for, and apply for, grants. Putting together an application for the first time can be daunting, especially when you think you have no expertise to support you. The Grant Writing Plalnning Toolkit is a package of essential tools to help you get that grant:
- Internal audit of your organisational capacity to apply for grants
- Grant Writing Administrivia Document – keep the important information for the front of the application form in one place
- Grant writing pre-submission checklist
- Grant winning success checklist – to check you’ve covered everything that’s relevant before you submit your application
- Grant winning success guide
- Are you ready for a grant – three part webinar series that covers:
– What you need to know and consider before you get started
– How to put together a business case before you start looking for a grant
– What a grant really means for your people, systems, processes and contractual obligations. - Ninja Grant Writing MINDSET Program – a fun and interesting way to treat grant applications like field campaigns, incorporating:
– Ninja Guide to DIY Grant Writing (webinar and ebook)
– 7 ninja strategies for killer grant applications
– Ninja Grant Writing Battle Plan - Teach yourself grant writing manual – a must to understand how to harness the information available to help you write a compelling grant submission. The info is there, you just need to know what you’re looking for and where to look.
With this toolkit at your disposal, you can’t help but improve your success rate.

DIY Grant Writing Help Desk Consult
You’re not on your own.
Access help to unpack the guidelines, plan your response and gather the evidence to build your business case for that grant.
Engage our ‘second pair of eyes’ grant writing support service for your draft application. There is a fee for this service based on the grant and level of support needed.

Engage a Grant Writer
Not everyone has the time, energy or skills to write grant applications. Consider engaging a grant writer or our training resources