Grant Writing Coaching School

Welcome to the Get that Grant: Grant Writing Coaching School – your one-stop grant writing training solution. Here you can access to training and mentoring to assist you on journey to becoming a first class grant writer. We assist communities, groups, businesses and individuals through a variety of self-paced, face to face, live online and mentoring options.

Grant Writing for Beginners

Get That Grant

Get That Grant – Grant Writing for Beginners

This five-module program is for the pedantic learner. Available as a self-paced, live online program or one-day workshop, this is a step-by-step program to learn how to write grants. The process involves getting to practicing on actual grant programs.

Ninja Grant Writing MINDSET Program

Get your head around how grants work.

This eight step program puts the components of a grant application form into perspective. Once you understand the why, pitching your response will be so much easier.

The Ninja Grant Writing MINDSET Program is a practical short course – grant writing with a twist for people who want to inject a bit of fun. Its purpose is to focus on grant writing as a campaign as well as align mind set to focus on the task at hand. 

This program can be used complementary to the Grant Winning Success Formula.

The Art of Grants

Grant Writing for Organisations –The Art of Grants

The Art of Grants is a three-module comprehensive training program where writing the applications only part of the picture. Be aware of how grants can impact on your organisation before you start and make sure you can meet your contractual obligations before you sign the agreement.

The program consists of three stand-alone units or as a package:

  1. Getting ready for a grant
  2. Writing a compelling grant application
  3. Managing your funded project

Also available as a one-day training course

grant writing

*This program can be delivered face-to-face over two days subject to demand

The Grant Winning Success Formula

Our bespoke eight-week* training program for people wanting to take up grant writing as a vocation. In this program, we will work face-to-face online to go through the whole process from idea to project outcome.  The program will be delivered by Pat Grosse, a grants professional with over 30 years’ experience of working on all aspects of grants on both sides of the funding fence and on two continents. Participants will be able to choose their own journey using real-life examples.

The program will include:

  • Where grants come from and for what purpose
  • Adopting the grant writing mindset
  • Exploring the funder-mentals – navigating the clues the funders leave in plain site
  • Building the business case for proof of concept
  • Project planning and management process along with templates
  • Aligning the financials to your story and case for funding
  • Outcomes measurement strategies to measure impacts and qualify and quantify success
  • Planning for risks
  • Reporting and managing funding agreements.

In addition to practicing on real life grants programs, participants will have access to manuals, templates and checklists that they can also use outside of the course.

Face-to-face / Online Training

For people who learn with others, we offer face-to-face and online training options for:

  • The Grant Winning Success Formula – as a full-day training program
  • Grant Writing for Beginners – The Art of Grants either as individual half day programs or as a full-day training program
  • Project Management in a Box – one-day project management training course
  • Evaluating community projects – half or one-day training options
  • Creating a business case for your next project – one day workshop
  • Planning and managing partnership projects

These can be offered either as events organised by us or on request.  Contact us for further information.

Grant Writing Coaching School Mentoring Program


A six-month mentoring program to work one-on-one with a grants mentor to propel you through the stages of becoming an expert at grant writing. We will work with you to:

  • Identify your training and development priorities and goals
  • Work through the grant winning success formula program
  • Tailor additional support from the resources of our other programs (and more)
  • Develop project planning and governance skills to attract larger grants
  • Support you develop and submit real-world applications
  • Develop a grant writing strategy plan for your organisation or client

To find out more:

Download Learning and Development Enquiry Form